Product Design


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About me

I’m a pragmatic, well-rounded Designer with strong technical, and soft skills.

I’ve been a Product Designer for more than 11 years. Most recently, head of Design at, and MainStreet. Through the years I’ve worked at large, medium and small companies—Disney, Yahoo, Zenfolio.

I started my journey in Industrial Design in Colombia, then, I tried something different with hotel design in Hong Kong, and moved stateside for a Master of Design at IIT’s Institute of Design in Chicago.

I live in Los Angeles with my wife and two kids.

On teams

I’ve led medium-sized teams with a focus in product design and research.

I have a strong quality bar and I believe that people will give the best of them when there is clear direction and support.

I don’t believe in micro-management. Ownership and accountability, allow team members to stretch and learn.

I care deeply about all details, my job as a manager is to help orchestrate it all.

Matching people’s skills, and preferences, while constantly seeking opportunities for everyone, is a key quality of a good manager.

A team is only as strong as its culture — processes, rituals, clarity and being a human, all play a strong part.