Product Design

Disney Parks Enchanting Extras

Disney Parks – Bookable Experiences

Tickets to Disney parks include access to most attractions except for several special experiences that needed to be booked in advance.

However, it was 2019 and these special experiences could only be booked by phone, an experience that didn’t cut it anymore.

I lead the team that was tasked with reimaging this experience across all the complexity of the existing Disney experience.



My Role
Design Lead

+ Courtney · Sarah

Product Design · Information Architecture

A booking experience within an existing platform

All the entry and touch points.

The the list page

A multi platform, responsive and native experience.

Evolving patterns that don’t perform well — the filtering system

Evolving patterns that don’t perform well — the list card system

Evolved patterns together — An experience that puts the user first.

New features — Multi-day availability search, a non trivial P0.

The config page

An extensible and scalable platform.

Sweating the details

Handoff documentation snapshot.

Another handoff documentation snapshot.