Product Design

MainStreet Treasury Management

MainStreet Treasury

Treasury Management was a new product line for MainStreet. At the time, startups were cash rich but their cash reserves were stuck in non accretive accounts as taking advantage of higher interest rates involved complicated financial instruments and a lot of red tape.

MainStreet Treasury Management aimed to simplify all of that by offering startups very attractive yield accounts and terms paired with the ease of use of consumer level digital banking.

We started from scratch, conceiving as simple an experience as possible while staying within regulatory boundaries—our V1 included KYC flows to open an account. However fast we were moving and were able to release an MVP to prove out the idea, the ground shifted bellow us during our beta testing phase — the economy took a turn and the appetite for financial risk plummeted. We decided to responsibly sunset the product, not without many lessons learned.



My Role
Design Lead

Solo designer

0→1 Project · Product Design

Designing with regulatory constraints

Balancing simplicity while meeting regulation — KYC flow.

Account activation

Guidance —sometimes copy and a couple interface elements do the heavy lifting.

Balancing information and disclosures while keeping the flow reasonably short.

A v1 with a reduced feature set—fund transfer out of the platform.