Product Design
tempImageWtRPsI.gif Platform Evolution and Design System – Platform Evolution and Design System

As many other startups, grew fast, a system was put in place with little time for consideration and baggage started accumulating, constraining the scalability of our platform and slowing down work for designers and developers alike.

I worked with Design Systems extraordinaire Andres Garcia to evolve a messy, old and tired system, into a carefully crafted, scalable, versatile and highly usable system. In addition to a well documented system—that takes advantage of design tokens to facilitate consistency and multi-platform support—we created and ran a series of workshops to up-level the design team.

Finally, in addition to garnering support across the org. careful consideration was placed in how to implement it gradually given the considerable lift.



My Role

+ Andres Garcia

Design System · Strategy

A few snippets

The new design system applied — In addition to light and dark themes, We added a V1.5 theme to give our team transition flexibility.

A snapshot of some of the component and variants.

A snapshot of modules and their themed variants.

The system is built with tokens to enable themes.

An example of some of the training documentation that was created to introduce the system.

Another training documentation example.